Tusfiles Premium Account Username and Password List

Tusfiles is a website that provides its user with a file. A file can be a document, image, video, audio, or any other type of data. Tusfiles also give their user a memory capacity which a user can use to upload their file. It is a website that gets used worldwide by different groups of people. Bloggers and many other users use Tusfiles as an alternative to Adsense.

As you can tell why the popularity of Free Tusfiles Premium Account is at rising.

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Tusfiles also pay you for when other users download your file. As an estimate, you can have $ 0.50 to $ 10 for every 1000 downloads. The website country already sets payments by country. Many users are using Tusfiles and earning by giving their files for downloading.

Here is a chart which shows the country type marked by Tusfiles.

Country Category by Tusfiles

When you visit the site address at Tusfiles, You will see it on the webpage. Users who don’t have an account of Tusfilescan upload a file that stores on Tusfilesfor 15 days.

If a user creates a Tusfiles account and can upload a file less than 25 MB, That file will never be removed from tussles. You can select a file to upload any time from anywhere. Tusfile is an excellent site for users worldwide.

Here is a chart which shows the country type marked by Tusfiles.

Country category by tusfiles

Benefits of Tusfiles Premium account

Premium accounts are that account that is paid and gives us some unique advantages. Just like that Tusfiles Premium account gives us some extra benefits like we can increase our upload limit, There will not be any limit of time our files can be there as much as the user wants.

Many users are those who want Free Tusfiles Premium Account. If you are one of them who wants to have a Tusfiles premium account, then you are in the right place.

Free Tusfiles Premium Account Username and password list 2024

Here are some of the Free Tusfiles Premium Accounts given below:


Please note that Tusfileswill deletes your files within 180 days from the date you have uploaded your file on the Tusfiles server. You can also get your Tusfiles premium account by paying on the Tusfiles website.

Please note that tusfiles will delete your files within 180 days from the date you have uploaded your file on tusfile server. You can also get your Tusfiles premium account by paying on the tusfiles website

How to create a tusfile account

To share your files if you have tusfiles mind you have more benefits in sharing your data. To create a tusfile account follow the steps mentioned below.

Creating a tusfiles account is natural for that you have to

1.  Visit the tusfiles website at tusfiles.net

2. On the top of your right, you can see the Signup button, click on the signup button

3. Now a form is present on your screen, fill that form

For registration on tusfiles, you can also signup with your social media account. Subscription to social media account is straightforward.

4.Username: Fill any username that you want for a tusfile account

5. Password: fill any password that you want for your tusfiles account

6. Retype the password: Retype your password, this column represents to make sure that you have entered a correct password that you remember

7. Email: Enter your email address

8. Code: You have now had a system, please enter that code

9.T & C: Tick on I have read and agreed

10.Submit: Press the submit button below of the form

Now you have successfully submitted your signup detail

Now you have to confirm your email to log in to your account. To follow your email address, Login to your email and check out the mail send by tusfiles click on the link provided in the email. Now you have successfully confirmed your email address and ready to log in to your tusfiles account.

How to add a file to Tusfile account

1.  Visit the tusfile website at tusfiles.net

2.  On the homepage, you can see an Upload box

3. Click on the upload box to upload your file

4.  On clicking, you have to choose a file from your system that you want to upload to tusfiles server

5. When the data is uploading you can write something about your data in the description box as shown in the image below

6.  Once the file gets uploaded, you have to click the Upload button

7.   Now, You have successfully uploaded your data on the internet

Now your file was uploaded to the tusfiles server; You will get a link on next screen as shown in the image below

How to Download and open a file on Tusfiles

You can download a file from tusfiles server and begin it by following the steps given below.

1. You have a link from where you have to download a file. Use that link

2. Enter the link on your web browser

3. A new window get opens where you can see a Download box as shown below

4. Here you can see a download box including the file name and the file memory

5. Click on the download Box

6. On clicking the download box, a new window gets open.

7.  Your file will open in that window, where you can access your data and download that file

How to earn money by Tusfiles

Tusfiles is a new way of making money. For that, you must have a tusfile premium account. On login with that account, you can add files as many you want.

Your income depends upon the number of people download your files. Income source on tusfiles relies on the number of users who download the files. As an estimate on 1000 downloads, you get $ 0.50 – $ 10. Tusfiles is a new and significant way of earning.


What is Tusfiles?

It is a free cloud service that you can use to share files with each other without any restriction of any kind.

Is Tusfiles Free?

Yes, the company doesn’t charge anything for their services, you can use it right now, all you have to do is to sign up and you will be done.

Can you make money off Tusfiles?

Yes, if you reach the standard set by the Tusfiles, then you will be able to make money for your files.

Is Tusfiles Secure?

Yes, it is secure to use, all of your details will be encrypted, so it won’t get hacked or taken by anyone.


Tusfiles is a website mainly used by bloggers worldwide. We can upload a file on tusfiles site, and we paid on some downloads. Tusfiles Premium account has some additional benefits.

We get more space and time limits by using the tusfiles Premium Account. All the Premium tusfiles premium account usernames and passwords are working. If any questions, please ask in the comment box below.

About Kedarsan

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